Being active in the dutch green-left party Groenlinks... what's that?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Inbreed in groenlinks

Like in any other organization, in groenlinks there has been complaining about being dominated by an incrowd. The last expression that such a feeling had was the last partijraad, in which the commissions to drive the writing of a new beginsel programa were rejected... since everybody in there were known (I keep on wondering if the partijraad wanted new members to write the beginsel programa, but ok)

Now, in these days I also learned that compared with other dutch political parties, groenlinks has the bigger numbers of smokers. Now, read this article in the independent today:

Found: gene that means some people can't give up cigarettes
By Steve Connor, Science Editor
Published: 03 April 2007

And then, everything becomes clear. An expression of incrowd in certainly inbreed, which makes a population to share too many genes. If so many smokers are in groenlinks, and a gene determines your addiction, groenlinks is dominated by an incrowd. QED.

Perhaps the partijraad might ask for the new commission to be non smokers only. Or am I being too sarcastic?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also made that comment (with regard to smoking in GL) to someone, but he said that smoking is more related to political activism. That is very logical; these are always very busy people.

11:45 AM


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