Being active in the dutch green-left party Groenlinks... what's that?

Monday, June 13, 2005

Tuesday and wednesday

The tuesday was one of the more successful days that I had had in GL yet. Since couple of years I have been clumsily tried to get involved in the economical thinking of our party, without success. The Kleurrijk Platform and the Utrecht fractie in the gemeenteraad were not interested in the discussion of allochtonous entrepreneurship. The europa workgroup did not have too much interest in discuss european economics neither. And the economical network did not work publicly. But finally, some six months ago Bas Roufs, Rene Boesten and I started a workgroup directed to the medium and small business (see previous post). The tuesday was the starting evening, say the public debut of the workgroup) and some thirty persons heard a panel of politicians and entrepreneurs. Definitively inside our party there is the growing conviction that more attention to economical questions must be given. The first hurdle, then, is passed with success. Thirty persons gathered for a nationl workgroup is a rather big amount. Now comes the real work. We will focus in an array of issues, hoping to produce discussion and position papers. Interested to participate? I am in charge of the innovation agenda and the coming reform of the social security system (in aspects relevant for small entrepreneurs). Rene will organize the discussion on sustainable development and social responsibility of entrepreneurs, and Bas will be busy with the green financing and the jump from freelancer to business owner. Other themas? write us a line!

Wednesday finally came, and the redaction of the Linksom meet in the house of Ad Uiterwall, our director. The Linksom is the newspaper of groenlinks utrecht, and, as far as I can tell, it is another successful example of continuity. The number that we discussed will be the fifth since we started as new redaction. Before our newspaper lacked regularity, due to a shortage in human resources. But the meeting of the wednesday proved to me that simply going on with a project brings success. The new redaction started with seven members, and was reduced shortly after to three. Nevertheless we went on, and after the regular publication of four numbers mostly made by us, articles from other members are flowing in. And our redaction also has three new members. Gewoon doen (just do it) is a well known dutch saying. And for what respects to the linksom, that remains true.


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