Being active in the dutch green-left party Groenlinks... what's that?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Bloggers of the planet, unite!

Actually, I should say planeet... even if only this post is aimed at groenlinksers that blog...

As you people probably know, this coming saturday there is a meeting “groenlinks in de versneling”, which is for us “kaderleden” and our participation in the campaign. Probably some of you people will be already there, and probably some others of you will not be able to make it (if only because many weekends for groenlinks looks like unhealthy)

But still... what about try to get together, and have a drink and see if we could collaborate in the campaign... as bloggers?

Surely there are things that bloggers can do in a campaign context... even if only compile a list of interesting blogs and write stukjes in them, engage them in debate with groenlinks ideas and so forth...

I am looking forward at your reactions... and if in private... works.


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