Being active in the dutch green-left party Groenlinks... what's that?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Porsche versus Ferrari? Ciampi versus Merkel? think again: il nonno takes revenge

Well, I only saw the last 15 minutes, but it looks like that was all that was to be seen. Or so I hope for the real fans, because i could not have bear 100 minutes like that. And considering that in despite of my genes, I do not like to look at football matchs.

Anyway, you might think that I am stretching the point... but as much as Argentinean-europeans of third generation go back to europe (obviously with Italian passport: Maradona, Caniglia, Baldano, Passarella...) few minutes ago Italy did, beautifully, what Argentina could not.

Grandpa took revenge, then.

I'll have to review my conviction that 22 grown ups running after a ball can not be interesting. 


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