Being active in the dutch green-left party Groenlinks... what's that?

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Ledenberaad and beers done and drunk, back at the keyboard. So, was it nice? Of course. And again, I miss something.

Surprinsingly enough, a member of the party showed up contradicting the position of one of our parliamentarians regarding the building of a big and modern hospital in the center of Utrecht. Our parliamentarians are more or less in favor, our member is against. As the discussion developped, I was explained that the task of a Groenlinks politician is not to take sides in estetic decisions. So the argument that the new building might be an estetic catastrophe for the city was not so good received. The ultimate reason is that already exist a commision of professional planers in the city council, and they, not the politicians, should make this decisions.

Does that makes sense? not to me. A politician should be able to argue what kind of estetic his or her city has. Politicians are precisely the bridge between "the people" and "the professional planer". If Groenlinks leave this discussions to a commision, we might become commision politicians... not such a desirable standpoint, in the tradition of a outspoken party as we.


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